4 Hour Body
Tim Ferris
Seems quite interesting in terms of philosophy, but a lot of it I either already figured out or think is to ridgid in the name of simplicity or just generally quite simple and obvious or seems a bit less verified with science than I'd like. Although to his credit Tim is quite good at behind honest when something is vs isn't backed with science vs personal experience. Nothing wrong with any of this, just caught me at a point in my life when most of it isn't super applicable give my prior experiences
- Small and simple changes
- 80/20 rule, 2.5/95
- Minimum effective load (min to see desired outcome), anything extra is wasteful. Saves time and effort
- Re comp - change in body stuff, net changes both absolute value of body fat loss and muscle gain together
- Diet, drugs and exercise to achieve change, Balance can be different. 60 diet, 10 drugs, 30 exercise.
- Take adherence seriously, a less efficient and slower method is better than a better method you abandon.
- Exercise has to be specific and targeted towards a specific change (cannot be general)
- Should be simple and trackable.
- Track the right things, circumference and boy fat % measurements, not weight
- Don't compare results from various tool, only compare results over time in the same tool
- Measure some circumference places, arms at bicept, thighs at mid thigh ,waist at naval ,hips at widest point below waist
- Dexa, bod pod, ultra sound for measuring fat ideally
- Sticking to behavior changes / stopping behaviors that are obviously not in your interest
- Make a behavior conscious, photograph meals before eating, more effective than food diarys, Before picture on fridge, for conscious. Have hand next to food for size
- Make it a gain, measurement creates motivation. 5 measurements of data creates motivation, (as seen by Nike)
- Make it competitive, potential loss is a better motivator, can set you up with potential to be pubically shamed, compete against peers,
- Make it small and temporary, start doing these now. Smallest meaningful change I can make
- Slow carb diet 5 rules
- Avoid white carbohydrates, (this feels crazy restrictive and ridiculous, as it includes potatoes, all rice, wheat, etc)
- Eat the same few meals over and over again,
- ****protein via eggs, chicken, beef, fish, pork, legumes, black beans, pinto, red beans, soy beans, lentils, vegetables, spinach, broccoli, peas, green beans, (Maybe try this more too)
- Don't drink calories, but coffee and tea is fine. No soda, no milk, no white wine or beer
- Don't eat fruit (Also seems a bit crazy)
- Cheat day once per week (helps your body not adjust to new things and keeps metabolic rate higher for fat loss)
- *****Supplements, potassium, magnesium and calcium. (Could maybe try this perhaps)
- Potassium enriched salt,
- Magnesium before bed for sleep?
- To get rid of bean farting, rinse before consumption
- Balsamique with garlic powder for making beans better
- Massive weight gain of water on cheat days
- Spices and herbs and good
- Eat more, if you're hungry for snacking.
- Hormonal changes for binging with psychological benefits.
- Cheat meals for eating out, throw out all bad foods at the end of cheat day.
- Platue mistakes, Eating to late - eat without an hour of waking, Not enough water - liver function, Not enough protein - 20 gram per meal (especially breakfast, eggs, turkey bacon, cottage cheese, sausages, protein shake)
- Eat until you're full, do not restrict calories,
- If you don't normally cook, use frozen and canned stuff first
- Over eating domino foods (easy snack foods that are high calorie, portion abuse ), almonds, peanuts , macadamias, chick peas / garbanzo beans , nuts
- Don't over abuse non sugar sweeteners. Experiment with vanilla extract and spices instead
- Don't go to the gym to much
- Try exercising just a bit right before meals for like 2 minutes and about 90 minutes after
- Garlic is good
- Cold can be a good way to help loose weight, intermittent cold exposure.
- ***Ice pack on back of neck in evening, (Maybe try this sometime)
- Ice water on waking
- Breakfast 20 - 30 minutes later
- Cold showers for head and face, before night or in morning
- Perform 1 set to failure for each exercise, 3 minutes rest between
- *** Perform each exercise with a 5 seconds moving up and 5 seconds moving down cadence (Might be interesting to see how this works for me)
- *** 2 - 10 exercises per workout no more (Might be interesting to try if I decide to do a full body split ever again)
- Including one press, pull and leg
- Don't pause at the bottom of top
- ****Women has be to comfortable masturbating and knowing how your doing things
- Position such that penis hits g spot, and pelvis hits clit
- Missionary with pillow under women's hips
- ****Upper left from the women's perspective. Upper right from the man's
- ****Explain that this is a goallesss practice. I'm gonna do something you don't have to do and thing now or after. There is no goal
- Butterfly soles of feet together, man on her right side with.
- Limit session to exactly 15 minutes, use timer to reduce pressure and anxiety.
- Focused repitions / like meditation
- Thumb hold cliterol hood
- ****Other hand on butt with thumb at but not in base of vagina
- ****Directional questions, higher or lower, lighter or harder,
- ****Tip of finger, lightest possible movement, take the time to find the spot, upper left from her perspective.
- Pressure on pubic bone moving upwards
- No putting in a show for the man
- Testosterone booster, long term and sustained.
- *****All before bed and upon waking, Fermented cod liver oil, vitamin rich butter fat, D3 3000 iu 5000 iu, Cold shower 10 minutes, 3 Brazil nuts (Could be intersting to try sometime)
- Sex machine insanity
- 4 eggs before bed
- Same as above with oil and butter and nuts a few hours.before
- Perfect sleep,
- What is bad sleep, Taking to long to get to sleep, Waking up to often, Waking to early and not getting back
- The zeo, glucose, temperature, heart rate
- REM to total sleep, made thing better
- California Poppy seed extract, increased deep wave sleep
- **** Organic almond butter on celery, befor bed (Try?)
- **** Flax seed oil for cell repair? before bed (Try?)
- **** Low blood sugar is a problem for waking tired is part of the issue, pre bed snack (Try?)
- **** Test 67 - 70 degrees as bedroom temperature. Maybe socks.
- Large on fat and protein meal within 3 hour of bedtime. Cholesterol, 4 eggs.
- Philips Go light, for seasonal depression, replace morning coffee with it, during winter.
- Cold bath 1 hr before bath
- **** Ultra sonic humidifier, arrow swiss (Try?)
- Night wave pulse light
- Longer life, if it's worse quality of life isn't worth it
- Its powerful to have something uniquely in your controll that, that can make such a big difference in so many walks of life