Atomic Habits
James Clear
Fantastic book regarding a lot of fundamental ideas about how to build and maintain habits
- 1% errors and 1% improvements compound and do a lot of impact over time. Habits should aim for consistent 1% minor improvements constantly
- Beware of lagging indicators and disappointment as a result
- Results in terms of metrics don't happen until they do all at once. Ice cute heated from 25 -> 31 and then 32. Exercising consistently and then one day muscle up. Be patient
- Forget about goals, focus on systems (how you pratcie, how often you practice, recruit people, test your product, get feedback from users or mentors, how you break down problems)
- Don't change results, change the system (cleaning a messy room vs solving why it was messy)
- Goals are an issue, because subconsciously its a I will be happy when I have x. Vs happy as the process is constantly going.
- Trying to change the wrong thing for trying to make habits.
- Trying to change results, system, identity.
- Identity is better than results. Who do you want to become. (I am x vs im trying to x like quite smoking)
- Must change identity and belief about self. Pride on identity is good
- Beware of identity in the negative. I'm always late, bad at math, etc. This is bad
- Identity comes from -> consistentcy of habits which give you evidence.
- Who do you want to be. Start with results and work backwards. I want to loose weight -> what kind of person would be able to do that -> how can I become that type of person.
- Habits, queu, craving, response, reward. Repeated until is automatic and without thought and it becomes a habit
- 4 habit laws creating habits, cue -> make it obvious, craving -> make it attractive, response -> make it easy, reward -> make it satisfying
- Breaking habits (inversion of above), cue -> make it invisible, craving -> make it ugly, response -> make it hard, reward -> make it unsatisfying
- To break habits we need to make it more concious first, point and call system (is good and neat)
- Making a plan about when and where to act (most common cue), less wishy washy
- Didero Affect -> decide what to do next based on what you just did, spiral of affect. Habit stacking (pair new habit with current habit -> right after current habit)
- Make queues visually obvious in your environment to get you to change your actions.
- One space one use, room is a queue for certain kind of action
- People with best self controll create environments where you don't need to use it.
- (Vietnam heroin users stopped when they came home because environment changed)
- Dopamine comes from the anticipation of a reward, not its fufillment
- Temptation bundling -> tie something you want to do to something you need to do (can only watch TV while biking). Or (I can only surf FB after doing 10 burpies. I will do 10 burpies and then I will surf FB)
- We imitate and conform to social groups around us (in particular gruops being the close, the many and the powerful)
- Join culture where people are similar to you and everyone does the thing you want to do
- People mostly want to be wrong with a group rather than right alone
- Surface level craving, underlying desire
- Word and mindset shift 'I have to', 'I get to'. Reframe habits to highlight their benefits. Exercise not I have to got for a run, but its time to build endurance and get fast
- You have to actually do the thing, rather than just researching it or preparing to do the thing
- Frequency is what's important not time
- When starting a habit, make it easy (so easy that you can do it even when you don't want to). 50 pushups vs 5 pushups
- Remove points of friction from your environment. Make an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. (Have a exercise equipment in home with easy setup to reduce the effort of going to a gym). Also works in reverse, remove batteries from remote, delete social media apps.
- Chunk down problems into easier tasks. Waking up early. Electronics off at 10 pm, in bed by 10 pm, wake up at 6 am
- Commitment device, controlling future action by current action. Set automatic do not disturb time.
- 1 time investment that pays again and again. Automate things ->
- Set automatic investing.
- Make it satisfying, flavor on gum vs non flavored. Satisfying foamy soap vs not.
- Immediate satisfaction, not delayed.
- Satisfaction through looking at visual progress. Marbles from one jar into another
- Never miss habit twice in a row. Missing once is okay.
- Make sure you're measuring the right thing and not over optimizing for what you measure
- Inversion of 4th law. Make bad things unsatisfying. (Should be immediate) black and white for tiktoks
- Lean into your innate skills and physical advantages and background so far and personality, when choosing habits.
- Exploritory phase, with occasional re exploratory. Use the 80% on normal and 20% on exploratory.
- Combine skills that you are good but not great at to do the best. Delbert comic artist was good at drawing and good at being funny but great at neither.
- Task should be just on the edge if current abilities.
- You have to do it even when its boring sometimes.
- System for reflection and review of habits
- Building habits should be gradual -> think smallest and easiest version or peice to start and then bigger and bigger to where you want it to be