cover image for Getting to Yes

Getting to Yes

Roger Fisher & William Urgy

A bit thick but revolutionary ideas with regards to negotiation with enhancing examples.
  • Argue with interest over position, if 2 people wanted an orange each persons postiion is I want a Orange, and traditional wisdom would say cut the orange in half. But if one persons interest was in the fruit and the others was in the rine for zest for a cake a better arangement could have been reached. Israel and Egypt both wanted the saini desert (their position), Israels interest was in protection and Egypts was in heritage and culture and eventually an agreement was reached wher Egypt would own the land but it would be demiliterized.
  • Appeal to a neutral third party for standards, for example if you're getting and insruance claim for your car ask them how they got their estimate and use the Blue Book values as a baseline for features and parts.
  • BATNA best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Have a real, ready to go alternative is sometimes the best thing because if negotations really aren't going your way you have something to fall back on.
  • Invent options for mutual gain
  • Be aware of dirty negotiation tricks (putting pressure on your for time, being in a room thats to hot or cold) and point them out as problems and offer to come back later once these problems are resolved.