How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie
Was a lot less annoying as an audio book, lots of good points on general pleasent and productive social interaction. A bit repetitive at times and a bit cheesy/preachy. Otherwise would be a 10
- Don't criticise, everyone always thinks they're in the right (people don't like to be wrong)
- Be genuinely interested in other people
- Be happy/excited
- Smile
- Listen Intently
- Encourage others to talk about themselves/Ask about their interests
- Don't correct others
- avoid arguments
- Look for points of agreeemnt
- Start with, I may be wrong I often am, lets examine the facts -> Talk of your own mistakes before theirs
- Think about what they want and show them how to get it
- Desire to be appreciated and important
- Give people lots genuine of appreciation and encouragement as a leader, praise any and all improvement
- if they make a mistake, give lots of encouragement and make the fault seem easy to correct
- Arouse and eager want
- Let them feel the idea is theirs, Put out evidence and let them draw their own conclusions
- Dramatize, show don't tell, play/be creative, be new/different
- Let people save face
- Give the other person a reputation to live up to
- Ask questions over orders
- Appeal to the noble motives -> can we not do that, I don't want my children around that kind of behavior etc
- Praise then criticise, don't say but, say and. I'm so proud of you for how to did on your math test this semester and I'm sure you science grades are sure to follow
- I don't blame you one iota for feeling as you do, if I were in your shoes I'm sure I'd feel the same way
- Get them saying yes, yes
- Ask for their ideas and input on drafts with the frame of we want to server you as best as possible also makes them feel important
- Cruel truths aren't useful (most of the time)
- Admit when you're wrong, do it before it can be pointed out
- Actually think and be sympathetic from their POV and their problems