cover image for The 4 Hour Work Week

The 4 Hour Work Week

Tim Ferris

Revolutionary concepts with regards to efficiency and value created for work
  • Learn to cultivate real focus (get your rest, eliminate phones and distraction) to accomplish most of what you have to do in a day in record time (plus after you run out of work energy you aren't going to be very productive anyways)
  • Batch tasks, do a bunch of the same type of thing all together because constant switching/distractions take time/effort
  • You don't have to wait until retirement to do retirement like things (and you probably shouldn't)
  • Focus on effictiveness (getting towards your goal), over efficiency (doing well at a task that may or maynot be important), 80/20 rule (80% of benefit comes from 20% of the effort so eliminate wisely that which isn't helping much), Parkinsons Law (tasks grow to fill the time alloted for them, -> short clear deadlines)
  • Avoid information/interruptions that are irrelevant, unimportant or unactionable. Most info is time consuming, negative, irrelevant to your goals and outside your influence
  • Delegate tasks you don't want to do