The E Myth Revisted
Michael E Gerber
Really solid book that talks about why a lot of small business fail because they're started by a technician that doesn't understand how to do managment / entrapenurial work and thus neglect these aspects. Talked also about how to make a franchise system and good documentation such that you can eventually hire relatively low skill people to do what you expect and do it well and to your standards. Also how subconcious psycological impressions will change what people think so you need to constantly be testing and updating your colors, experience and scripts based on the newest psycology and your newest tests
- Fatal assumption that if you understand the technical work of a business you understand how to run a business around that technical work.
- This ^ is not true
- Now is one person who knows how to do the work technical work but not the other 12 things involved in business operations
- Fat guy skinny guy personalities divide and different goals and different and motivation ability
- Similar idea but for
- manager (pragmatic, organizational, craves order, sees problems, ),
- technician (the do-er, the feel and thing he can get done, can only do one thing at a time, everyone else is always trying to get more done than is possible or necessary)
- entrepreneur (visionary and creative, strategist, mad at people dragging their feet relative to the vision and moving slower than expected).
- And no one can win.
- Technician sees the manager as a meddler, manager see technician as a part to be managed, entrepreneur got them both in trouble with their messy ideas on the first place.
- Avg is 10% entrapeneuer, 20% manager, 70% technician.
- Entrapeneuer, wonder about the future.
- Technical, most business are operating on what the owner wants as opposed to what the business needs.
- You work hard and it works. But then because your value add is over working, you start to get exhausted and drop the ball. All of a sudden you are very overwhelmed. Business needs to change.
- You shouldn't have to do the work
- If you just want to do the technical work, don't be an entrapeneuer
- Get help, look for an expert in something that you don't know how to do
- Management by abdication vs managing by delegation. If you hire people and let them do everything with no oversight they will invariably do things poorly or not to your liking.
- Trust but verify? -> have a system and clear expectations
- No one cares as much about your business as you do and they don't care about its success or operations as much
- Then the owner jumps back in and starts doing everything themselves again
- Pushes beyond the owners comfort zone.
- Technician - how much work they can do by themselves
- Manager - how many people they can manage effectively
- Entrapeneuer - how many managers they can a effectively engage in their efforts
- Typically when you panic you resort to what you are most comfortable with
- If you hire a technician, you need to be their manager. Help them understand the direction of the business, help them know the results and quality they're accountable for,
- Begin with the end in mind and, every day be aware of where you are and make sure you're pushing towards the right thing
- Set up systems that work independent of yourself -> franchise business
- Until then your business owns you
- Work on your business rather than in it
- Pretend it's the prototype for 5000 replicas like a franchise
- Rules: Consistent value to cusomters, suppliers and lenders beyond what they expect, Model will be operated by people with the lowest possible skill necessary, Impeccable order, Document everything, Uniform consistent experience for customer
- Care about the psychology of the shapes and colors of the logo and paper and such etc
- Business development
- Innovation - must be creative doing, the business is the product, asking and experimenting / researching the question how could I do this better
- Quantifications - need to measure things, everything ideally.
- Orchestration - standardize and document and make it uniform as the way you act,
- Continuous process
- Values, and life aim, how do I want life to look on a day to day basis, how would I like to be with others family, friends, etc, how would I like people to think of me. Think of how you want others to talk about you at your funeral.
- What is the feeling with selling (product) fantasy, sex, cool, fun, how does your commodity fulfill that
- Org chart, organize around responsibilities instead of personalities,
- If everyone takes turns, who is accountable for various issues?
- COO, general strategic objective
- VP marketing, finding cusomter
- Sales manager, and advertising manager
- VP operations, get it to the people as consistently and explofe ways to do cheaper
- Production, facilities, severvice manager
- VP finance, support marketing and finance and profits
- Accounts receivable manager, accounts payable manager
- Position contract for each, summary of results to get, responsibilities and, standards to hold
- Learn the lowest part of your org chart and document all the processes, script guides, faq, etc. Then hire someone and train them to use.
- Management system, figures out what the customer wants (asks) and gets it to them everyone time
- Series of check lists, color coded, and sign that you did it. To sign and not do is grounds for instant dismissal, drawing that walks them through the steps and they have to also check off the drawing to show it was done.
- Spot checks
- Automatic lighting changes based on time and season, automatic pool temperature changes via the same thing, automated experiences for consistency are a good thing
- Getting people to do the thing, owner takes them seriously, how seriously the boss takes the business,
- The work we do is a reflection of who we are,
- Should understand the idea behind the work, (and be allowed to question our processes and be taken seriously)
- The cusomter is not always right but it is our job to make him feel that way
- Everyone should work towards being the best they can possibly be at the task they're responsible for
- Everything we know how to do is test by what we don't know how to do,
- Want to work for someone who has made a game, clear rules and objectives.
- Game comes first (not desired action as motivation to create game)
- Has to be one you're willing to play yourself.
- Should be winnable without ending it
- Change up tactics but not strategy
- You have to remind people about the game they're playing
- Game has to make sense
- Hiring process, presentation for the idea of the business, history and required attributes
- 1 on 1 for feelings on presentation, and experience
- Notification for everyone phone call for success letter for failure scripted
- Tour with highlighting the systems
- How do you do it here (it is your game / your moral / unique emotional idea)
- Precieved need, the cusomter needs to know they have a need. Unconscious baises are important and you need to be aware of how people see you and the changes minor details on you presentation and appears create. Orange vs navy suit
- White boards, with blue smudges on surrounding walls, via erasing carelessness, tried to change peoples actions, instead untilate result was to add plastic borders to white boards. System solution to human will problem.
- Sales scripts, presentations
- Appointment - gets them to make an appointment, speaks to the product (financial control, emotional needs / desires)
- Needs analysis - repeat appointment presentation idea, establish credibility, personal willingness to do whatever you have to for them. Understand what frustrates client and can fix for them. Describe why it works so well and what it does and the system. Follow up appointment to provide some free sample of the thing.
- Solution - details all the things that you've done specifically just for them and how they solves the emotional issues at hand, then says of the options present which do you feel would best server your needs at this time