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The Only Study Guide You'll Ever Need

Jade Bowler

Some fluff but a lot of good idea on how to study efficiently
  • For motivation, think about your intrinsic and extrinsic why. How can you make yourself believe you're not there YET
  • SAAD: Spaced Repition, Active Recall, Associations, Desirable Difficulty
  • Spaced Repition: We forget things exponentially over time but we can decrease/reset the exponentiated rate by slowly increasing the interval at which we go back and study the thing
  • Active Recall: Don't just re-read stuff. Test yourself to see if you can recall it actively. Without looking
  • Associations: Humans remember things by assocaition, as a result associate things you want to remember with a visual and/or verbal cue, or a story/process
  • Desirable Difficulty: We don't learn if we don't push ourselves (but don't push to hard)
  • Mini Essay Structure: PEEL. Point: introduce the topic in one clear sentnece, Evidence: Support with examples, fact, stats, quotes. Explanation: Show your understaning of how your evidence supprots your point. Link: Link how the evidence is relevant to the question.
  • When thinking about how to study, think about what you need to be able to do. Understand a process? Reacall facts? Analyse and user techniques? (Choose your revision technique accordingly, practice test, effective flashcards, blurting, etc)
  • Productivity Tips: Schedule breaks, Don't miss twice, Don't be to vauge, don't be to ridgid, have some hedging / downtime between, wee underestimate the time it will take to do things.
  • Productivity is just spending your time well, ie soemthing you enjoy (can be TV or video games). Minmize the thing you don't enjoy
  • Productivity = ( Output / Time ) x Focus x Forethought x Fun
  • Focus on doing good focused work over looking/feeling busy (Reflect and be honest with self)
  • Try monthly goals / priorities? (Week by week checklist of activies that will further goals).
  • Better todo lists -> bain dump all tasks, prioritize tasks (write with specifics, and how long they will take and due dates), then slot into calendar
  • You associate spaces with activities. So spaces should have purposes in your life and they shouldn't intermingle optimally
  • Perfectionism and Failure: How do you react to failure? Write out the cognitive model for thoughts and feelings and actions after getting something wrong, How owuld you ideally like to react to embrace failure positively
  • Whats the most productve 20% that you could do to get 80%. How can you optimise? What are you sacrificing for the last 20% and IS it worth it
  • Be wary of what you sacrifce for prefecsionism and whether or not its worth it
  • Check in with yourself, how are you doing really? Talkt to others about feelings, take some rest, take some play / activities to recharge
  • More feelings when I journal, also more explicit gratuity would probably be good for me
  • Try positive visualization sometime?
  • When stuck on a problem, blurt out all you can think about for related topics to see if that context or concepts can help you get unstuck