Think Like a Feminist
Carol Hay
A great summary of the history, context and arguments that make up the feminist movement, as well as some good definitions, insightful metaphors and
- Many movements, vary wildly but agree that women are worse off than men in easily measurable ways, this systemic and something should be done about it
- Their is a tendency for men to over react to notions that force them to consider that the world may have given them unfair advantages and that women may not have those and be dependent on men.
- Some women lean into the patriarchy for small benefits out of fear that fighting it will leave them worse off
- Womens societal power is based on mens perception of beauty while mens is based on earning power which, creates a graph 📉 vs 📈 respectively over time
- Society trains us to ignore women who are angy as invalid, which is a tactic to supress anger which is one of few emotions that can actually create change
- Girl power feminism - unthreatening, not actually motivating of systemic change, but simply conveying empty messages and celebrating indivudal successes
- Metaphors for opression,
- A wire in front of a bird, so people ask why the bird doesnt just hop over the wire. As you zoom out you see more and more wires making up a cage, so complaining about a wire seems trivial but its part of the larger cage
- Invisible knapsack, a special bag of tools and stuff men get be default.
- Social control by making people feel like theyre being watched and thus they fall inline. Constance survailance and motivation to please or conform. Penopticon and becoming your own jailers by feeling like you're being watched
- Collective action being difficult yo get off the ground due to, the idea that for most people going with the sexist system has a very high chance of very real benefits (male finances, protection, social approval etc), while the lofty potential benefits are far away and uncertain when fought for.
- Oppression compounds with more minorities that you are a part of. Thusly its not like you can add things from various section but need to think theh mix and become bigger
- Rape as a protection racket, the idea being women need men to protect them from other men (you pay the mob to protect you from the mobs threats)
- Dealing with a man who you dont like involves mostly pretending to be sick (they tend to reciol in disgust)
- Being a better ally, listen to women, know that you're criticizing a system and you are a beneficiary of said system
- For flirting understand you by default have all the power, so try and give her more so you're equals, ask questions, be respectful, be patient, express invitations and try to be aware of your own entitlement, ask permission, be okay with the idea that you might be rejected (rejection for males is an ego bruise, rejection for females means potential physical harm)*